Saturday, July 26, 2008

This is a short post, because, basically, I only have a little to say.

So I got a little two-second break to go talk to Michael, and he said he had already smoked the buds he had put out for me cause he was jonesing, which I completely understand, you know? So anyhow, he told me he'd be putting out some for me in our little secret bud exchange place a couple seconds before he leaves. Now I've just got to sit here and wait until he leaves. But alas, I may actually be getting high tonight on something other than the accumulated resin on my pipe, which I've been smoking for the past two weeks. Hasn't really been working out for me, but at least if I have real weed, I can take a nice warm bath tonight and smoke a joint. Thank god I got some papers from him the last time I had weed. Smoking out of a pipe is nice, but after a while, I'd just rather smoke a joint. I enjoy rolling them and smoking them. PLUS, that way, it's a lot easier to smoke in the bathroom with that little vent.

Oh, and yeah, John has no idea I still smoke pot. Life's good. I hate keeping secrets from him, but if I tell him I'm still smoking, he'll start asking questions about where I got it, and that whole "I found it in the yard" bit is starting to get a little transparent.

True, I know I'll have to stop completely smoking weed once Michael moves out from behind the house. But while he's here, it's not that big of a deal to me that I smoke a little weed now and then. I'd rather be drinking, but, seeing as how that's much more difficult for me to conceal, I think that for now I'll just stick with the pot.


I've recently found out just how cruel John is to animals. He just tortured the fuck out of his cat. And all the cat did was fucking growl at him. I mean, what the hell? A growl does not turn into a hogtie. And thumping the poor little dude's nuts? WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?!

Waiting for him to try that shit in front of another witness so I can call the ASPCA on his ass.

I need some smoke. Michael, get your ass gone so I can roll a damned joint.

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